Tired of Feeling Stuck?

Experience the Transformative Power of Your Subconscious Mind!



Are you ready to make a change? To finally break through the barriers holding you back from the life you desire?

With my proven techniques, you can:


  • Conquer stress and anxiety

  • Exude confidence in high-pressure situations

  • Overcome fear of public speaking and presentations

  • Boost memory and ace exams

  • Skyrocket focus and motivation

  • Achieve deep relaxation and peace of mind

  • Eliminate bad habits and limiting beliefs

  • Conquer procrastination once and for all

  • Radiate unshakable confidence

  • Quit smoking for good

  • Heal from grief and toxic relationships

  • Embark on a life-changing journey of self-improvement



What's Standing Between You and Your Dreams?

Imagine a life where obstacles become stepping stones to success. Where you effortlessly dissolve the barriers that have held you back, simply by harnessing the incredible power of your subconscious mind.

Picture the clarity, the improved well-being, and the harmonious life that await you on the other side of this transformation.

Are You Ready to Thrive?

With my customized sessions, you'll gain the tools to overcome the factors blocking your path to success and happiness. You'll reconnect with the extraordinary person you truly are—because you deserve nothing less!

Take the first step towards the life you've always wanted. Click the green button now and let's begin your transformation together.


No more spinning your wheels, wishing for change. No more settling for a life that doesn't fulfill you. It's time to try a better way...

  • Hypnosis: Quickly change behaviors, eliminate fears, and create positive mental patterns.
  • NLP: Tap directly into your subconscious to produce rapid, powerful change.
  • TIME Techniques™: Erase negative emotions and limiting beliefs in mere minutes.
  • EFT: Experience profound physical, emotional, and mental relief using this simple, yet highly effective technique.

Your Transformation Begins Now

You have the power within you to create the life you desire. All you need is the right tools and guidance to unlock your true potential.

Click the green button now and take the first step towards transforming your life. Your journey to a better, happier, more successful you starts today!



..."My session was beautiful and really eye-opening for me as I realized a lot of trauma and horrible things from my childhood I was still carrying was not my fault and with her guiding me, I was able to let go of blame, judgment & hurt that I held against myself, for so long..." 

S. Amee - Celebrity Stylist

"Angela was able to help me realize some things about myself that had me stuck, repeating the same mistakes over and over again. It was like an A-HA moment for me and I have been able to make better decisions and attract so much better, into my life!"


L.G.- Entrepreneur



  • Board-Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
  • Board-Certified Success Coach
  • Board-Certified Hypnotist
  • Board-Certified Practitioner of TIME Techniques™
  • Board-Certified Practitioner of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
  • Certified Transformational Coach
  • Certified Positive Psychology Coach
  • Certified Solution-Focused Coach
  • Award-Winning Author of Self-Help Book 'The Poison of Perfection'
  • Best-Selling Co-Author of Self-Help Book 'All The Answers Are Within'

If you are a COACH,  ask about adding my services to your program or retreat to help enhance your clients' transformations and results!